中心助理研究员钱娜和博士生周德福的工作——Analog parallel processor for broadband multifunctional integrated system based on silicon photonic platform(面向多功能一体化系统的模拟域光子宽带并行处理器)的相关成果近期被Light: Science & Applications期刊接收发表,该工作得到了国家自然科学基金(T2225023, 62205202)和上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划(No. 22YF1420200)的部分资助。
多功能一体化系统打破了传统资源划分限制,推动了通信、感知等多种功能的高效融合与协作。为获取更灵活的资源调度、更高的数据速率和更精细的分辨率,多功能一体化系统将朝着更大工作带宽发展。然而,电子器件的带宽和计算速度是目前的主要限制因素。针对这一问题,该工作提出了一种基于硅光子平台的模拟域并行处理器(APP),应用光子学方法将大带宽模拟信号重构至2^N路并行处理,实现传输速率和数据量的成倍压缩,将单计算核心的运算速率与容量要求降低至1/2^N。实验验证完成了宽带雷达信号和高速通信信号的模拟域并行处理,宽带雷达探测分辨率为2.69 cm,无线通信速率为8Gbit/s。未来将进一步探索该架构的多通道潜力,加速光电处理器发展,促进通感一体、智能驾驶等应用升级换代。
摘要: Sharing the hardware platform between diverse information systems to establish the full cooperation among different functionalities has attracted substantial attention. However, broadband multifunctional integrated system with large operating frequency range is challenging due to the bandwidth and computing speed restrictions of electronic circuitry. Here, we report an analog parallel processor (APP) based on silicon photonic platform that directly discretizes and parallelizes the broadband signal in analog domain. The APP firstly discretizes signal with optical frequency comb and then adopts optical dynamic phase interfering to reassign the analog signal into 2^N parallel sequences. Via photonic analog parallelism, data rate and data volume in each sequence are simultaneously compressed, which mitigates the requirement on each parallel computing core. Moreover, fusion of the outputs from each computing core is equivalent to directly processing broadband signal. In the proof-of-concept experiment, two-channel analog parallel processing of broadband radar signals and high-speed communication signals is implemented on the single photonic integrated circuit. The bandwidth of broadband radar signal is 6 GHz and the range resolution of 2.69 cm is achieved. The wireless communication rate of 8 Gbit/s is also validated. Breaking the bandwidth and speed limitations of single-computing core along with further exploring the multichannel potential of this architecture, we anticipate that the proposed APP will accelerate the development of powerful opto-electronical processor as critical support for applications such as satellite networks and intelligent driving.