Signal-to-noise ratio enhancement of stimulated Brillouin scattering based pulse compression of an ultrabroad microwave signal by use of a dispersion compensation fiber

  • 作者:Yi Ji, Weiwen Zou *, Xin Long, And Jianping Chen
  • 摘要:The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of all-optical pulse compression of broadband microwave signals based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is theoretically analyzed. According to numerical simulation, it is found that the SNR is dominantly determined by the Brillouin gain coefficient ??. With the improvement of ??, the SNR is evidently enhanced and the bandwidth of SBS-based pulse compression is consequently enlarged. Experiments are implemented by using a dispersion compensation fiber with a higher ??gB rather than a single-mode fiber. The experimental results show that better SNR of the compressed signal is obtained and the system bandwidth is extended up to 5 GHz.
  • 出版源:Optics Letters, 42(15), 2980, Aug. 2017