Simultaneous emission of Gaussian-like and parabolic-like pulse waveforms in an Erbium-doped dual-wavelength fiber laser

  • 作者: Xing Li, Shenggan Dai, Weiwen Zou, Jianping Chen, Qiuhua Nie, and Shixun Dai*
  • 摘要:We report on the observation of different pulse formation dynamics in a nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE)-based broadband erbium-doped fiber laser when the net cavity group-velocity dispersion (GVD) is managed to be close to zero. The fiber laser can generate pulses with a single wavelength or dual wavelengths by adjusting the waveplates. When the laser operates in dual-wavelength emission, the output pulses corresponding to the two wavelengths exhibit Gaussian- and parabolic-like waveforms, respectively, indicating that the laser can simultaneously operate in stretched-pulse and self-similar regimes. The generation of dual-wavelength emission with different pulse waveforms can be attributed to an overdriven NPE switch acting on a chirped broadband pulse and different dispersion mechanisms. These findings provide a good foundation for comprehensively studying pulse formation dynamics in laser cavities.
  • 出版源:Scientific Reports 7: 9414 ,2017