祝贺万钧同学的单天线高分辨三维成像工作被IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters期刊接收

中心博士生万钧的工作——Demonstration of High-resolution Single-antenna 3D Microwave Imaging Based on Hadamard Modulation and Optical Broadband Receiver(基于哈达玛空间调制和光学接收器的高分辨单天线三维成像演示)的相关成果近期被IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters期刊接收发表,该工作得到了国家重点研发计划(2019YFB2203700)、国家自然科学基金(T2225023,62205203)的部分资助。微波三维成像是反演空间最有效的方式之一,而已有微波三维成像方案往往依赖于大规模天线阵列以及密集空间扫描,这带来了极大的系统复杂度和数据采集复杂度,制约成像分辨率的提升。本文提出并验证了一种新型的单天线三维成像方案,该方案利用哈达玛空间调制模式进行二维前视平面的空间解耦,利用微波的相位可处理性进行视线方向空间解耦。该方案可以在非扫描、非相对运动的情况下,只用单个天线即可实现高分辨三维成像。我们结合光学宽带接收机进行了方案实验验证,实验结果表明,使用单个天线即可实现复杂目标的三维成像,且三个维度分辨率均超过4cm。

摘要: We propose and demonstrate a high-resolution single-antenna 3D microwave imaging scheme. Combining the spatial decoupling capabilities of Hadamard modulation, and the broadband characteristics of optical receivers, our scheme can achieve high-resolution 3D imaging resolution with one receiving antenna without scanning. It is experimentally demonstrated that an unmanned aerial vehicle-shaped target can be successfully imaged in 3D. According to the measurement, the resolution of the 3D image can obtain a resolution of better than 4 cm in all three dimensions. We believe that our method will greatly promote the application of high-resolution microwave 3D imaging in complex and changing scenarios with limited equipment.