祝贺赵鑫睿同学的MIMO-OFDM无线通信系统光学并行信道估计工作被Optics Express期刊收录

中心硕士生赵鑫睿的工作——Photonic parallel channel estimation of MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems(MIMO-OFDM无线通信系统中的光学并行信道估计)的相关成果近期被Optics Express期刊接收发表,该工作得到了国家重点研发计划(2019YFB2203700)、国家自然科学基金(T2225023,62205203)的部分资助。我们提出了一种以射频接收直接处理为特征的基于级联MZM的光子并行信道估计架构。进行了概念验证实验,证明了所提出的架构在不同频段(100MHz、4GHz和10GHz)的可行性。实验获取的信道估计结果和理论模拟结果之间的均方误差位于10-3量级。误码率低于前向纠错阈值。此外,我们分析了光子并行信道估计在不同信噪比、基带符号形式和权重调控精度下的性能。在实现光电芯片集成后,所提出的架构有潜力在大规模MIMO-OFDM系统中实现高速、高度并行的信道估计。

摘要: Channel estimation is a key technology in MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems. Increasingly extensive application scenarios and exponentially growing data volumes of MIMO-OFDM systems have imposed greater challenges on the speed, latency, and parallelism of channel estimation based on electronic processors. Here, we propose a photonic parallel channel estimation (PPCE) architecture which features radio-frequency direct processing. Proof-of-concept experiment is carried out to demonstrate the general feasibility of the proposed architecture at different frequency bands (100 MHz, 4 GHz, and 10 GHz). The mean square errors (MSEs) between the experimental channel estimation results and the theoretically simulated ones lie on the order of 10-3. The bit error rates (BERs) are below the pre-forward error correction (pre-FEC) threshold. Besides, we analyze the performance of PPCE under different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), baseband symbol forms, and weight tuning precisions. The proposed PPCE architecture has the potential to achieve high-speed, highly parallel channel estimation in large-scale MIMO-OFDM systems after the photonic-electronic chip integration.