Comb-based photonic neural population for parallel and nonlinear processing

  • 作者:Bowen Ma, Junfeng Zhang, and Weiwen Zou*
  • 摘要:It is believed that neural information representation and processing relies on the neural population instead of a single neuron. In neuromorphic photonics, photonic neurons in the form of nonlinear responses have been extensively studied in single devices and temporal nodes. However, to construct a photonic neural population (PNP), the process of scaling up and massive interconnections remain challenging considering the physical complexity and response latency. Here, we propose a comb-based PNP interconnected by carrier coupling with superior scalability. Two unique properties of neural population are theoretically and experimentally demonstrated in the comb-based PNP, including nonlinear response curves and population activities coding. A classification task of three input patterns with dual radio-frequency (RF) tones is successfully implemented in a time-efficient manner, which allows the comb-based PNP to make effective use of the ultra-broad bandwidth of photonics for parallel and nonlinear processing.
  • 出版源:Photonics Research
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