祝贺李俊燕同学关于射频驱动模块设计分析的工作被Chinese Optics Letters期刊收录

       中心博士生李俊燕的工作——Optimization of optical signal-to-distortion ratio in a channel-interleaved photonic ADC via a coherent multi-frequency RF driver(通过同源多频的射频驱动来优化通道交织的光模数转换系统中的光信噪比)的相关成果近期被Chinese Optics Letters期刊接收发表,该工作得到了国家重点研发计划(2019YFB2203700)、国家自然科学基金(61822508)的部分资助。该工作针对通道交织的光模数转换器系统,设计了一个基于微波芯片的同源多频的射频驱动模块,支持40 GSa / s的采样速率;并从理论和实验的角度分析了射频驱动信号的幅度和相位对光模数转换系统中光信噪比的影响,验证了射频驱动模块与光模数转换系统之间的兼容性。

摘要: A microwave-chip-based coherent multi-frequency RF driver is developed for a channel-interleaved photonic analog-to-digital converter (PADC) system, which comprises a multi-class optical demultiplexer and supports a sampling speed of 40 GSa/s. The generated signals from the RF driver are adjustable in both amplitude and phase. We analyze the relationship between the characteristics of generated RF driver signals and the demultiplexing performance in theory based on the OSDR. It is the most effective parameter to evaluate the performance of the demultiplexer in a PADC system without an EADC. By precisely adjusting the amplitude and phase of signals, the OSDR is optimized. The results verify the compatibility between the RF driver and the PADC system.

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