中心博士生于磊的工作——An X- and Ku-band multifunctional radar receiver based on photonic parametric sampling的相关成果近期发表在Chinese Optics Letters期刊上,该工作得到了国家自然科学基金的部分资助(61822508、 61571292、61535006),解决了多通道雷达信号的接收问题。此方案基于四波混频作用,实现多通道信号的并行参量光学采样。实验中,基于上述方法分别构建了X波段的4通道相控阵雷达系统和X、Ku波段双波段雷达信号接收系统,验证了系统的可重构特性。
We demonstrate a novel multifunctional radar receiver scheme based on photonic parametric sampling. The working principle of photonic parametric sampling based on four-wave mixing (FWM) process is presented. To experimentally verify the multifunctional feasibility, the scheme is individually implemented to carry out a four-channel phased array radar reception and a dual-band radar reception.
DOI: 10.3788/COL202018.042501
Citation: Lei Yu, Weiwen Zou, Xinwan Li, Jianping Chen. An X- and Ku-band multifunctional radar receiver based on photonic parametric sampling[J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2020, 18(4):42501