中心主任邹卫文应邀在SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences期刊发表邀请论文

       中心主任邹卫文教授与北京大学王兴军教授等应邀在SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences期刊上,发表Towards an intelligent photonic system的综述论文。该工作得到了国家重点研发计划(2019YFB2203700)和国家自然科学基金优青项目(61822508)等资助。论文提出了智能光子系统(intelligent photonic system, IPS)的基本架构,描述了光子信号处理系统与人工智能技术相互促进、有机融合,有望发展成“光脑”的发展路线。论文还将IPS系统划分为三个不同层次,回顾了近期的重要进展,并对今后挑战和研究重点进行了讨论。

The emerging intelligence technologies represented by deep learning has broadened their applications to various fields. Beyond the conventional electronics-based processing systems, the convergence of photonics and artificial intelligence (AI) technology enhances the performance and learning ability of AI. In this review, we propose the concept of an intelligent photonic system (IPS), illustrating it as a developing architecture with three different versions. For each version of IPS, we review several representative works. Moreover, we discuss the challenges towards an IPS and provide some prospects for the future development.
