祝贺郑康佳的工作“Stability optimization of channel-interleaved photonic analog-to-digital converter by extracting of dual-output photonic demultiplexing”发表在Chinese Optics Letters期刊上

        中心硕士生郑康佳的工作——Stability optimization of channel-interleaved photonic analog-to-digital converter by extracting of dual-output photonic demultiplexing的相关成果近期发表在Chinese Optics Letters期刊上,该工作得到了国家自然科学基金的部分资助(批准号61822508、61571292、61535006),解决了高速高精度光子模数转换系统难以长时间保持最佳工作性能的问题,实现了最佳驱动电压自动选取及跟随,提升了系统长时间稳定高精度工作的能力。此方案采用从并行解复用模块中提取反馈信号的方式,通过反馈链路来控制电光开关的驱动电压,从而构建了高稳定性的通道交织光子模数转换系统。

        摘要: We investigate a channel-interleaved photonic analog-to-digital converter (PADC) system’s ability to work stably over a long duration with an optimal driving voltage. The influence of optimum bias point drift of a Mach–Zehnder modulator (MZM)-based photonic switch on this system was analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The feasibility of extracting feedback signals from the PADC system was derived. A high-stability channel-interleaved PADC was constructed by extracting a feedback signal from a parallel demultiplexing module to control the MZM-based photonic switch’s driving voltage. Consequently, the amplitude mismatch between the channels was limited to within 0.3 dB over 12 hours of operation.