Acoustic modal analysis and control in w-shaped triple-layer optical fibers with highly-germanium-doped core and F-doped inner cladding

  • 作者:Weiwen Zou*, Zuyuan He, and Kazuo Hotate
  • 摘要:The numerical study of acoustic modal properties in w-shaped optical fibers with high-delta germanium-doped core and F-doped inner cladding (F-HDF) is demonstrated. The cutoff conditions of acoustic modes in the F-HDF show opposite behaviors in contrast with those of optical ones because F-doped inner cladding contributes differently to acoustic and optical waveguides. The acoustic dispersion characteristics vary to a great extent with respect to the location of the acoustic modes in the fiber’s core or in the fiber’s inner cladding. The resonance frequency spacing between neighboring acoustic modes is theoretically and experimentally found to have a quadratic relation to the core’s germanium concentration. We also investigate the critical conditions to move high-order acoustic modes into the F-doped inner cladding and validate the optimal feasibility of employing L 01 and L 03 acoustic modes to fiber-optic Brillouin-based discriminative sensing of strain and temperature.
  • 出版源:Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 10006-10017, Jul 7 2008.